Monday, November 30, 2009

do we have a fear of the female?

Over the break, I watched For the Bible Tells Me So, a documentary by Daniel Karslake that examines the ways in which the Bible is mis-used to suggest that Christians should not accept homosexuality. It is a fantastic film, which really examines the source of fear and hate, and I highly recommend to everyone.

In addition to recommending it for its intended subject and merit, I was really struck by one particular passage which directly ties to my blog.

In this excerpt, Gene Robinson, the Bishop of the Diocese of New Hampshire in the (U.S. Episcopal Church), posits that men fear (male) homosexuality because it makes them think about "a man allowing himself to be treated like a woman, and there's nothing worse..." Other people go on to further suggest that fear of homosexuality is fueled by a "hatred of women," noting that "when the coach wants to humiliate his team, he calls them 'a bunch of girls.' Why does that work? Because: the worst thing you can do to a man is call him a woman."

(The specific clip to which I am referring starts at 2:26.)

I'd really like to hear your responses:

What do you think - do we have a fear of the female? Do we hate women?


  1. 1. it's scary that people seem to forget everything else the bible teaches and focus on the one part that gets them excited (in a bad way). Maybe the bible is too long: People can always find quotes from it to back up their actions.
    2. fear definitely does make people create an "other." it helps them bond.
    3. this is a video that michael moore that relates. He is a little aggressive, etc, but it's also funny:
    4. I think it's very interesting that homophobia might be rooted in a fear of women. Maybe it's just scary when the gender lines are blurred.

  2. jean marie, thanks for all of your comments! you are the best!

    1. ABSOLUTELY! i have a book somewhere (also called "The Bible Tells Me So," but unrelated to the documentary) that goes with that Shakespeare quote: "the devil himself can quote scripture for his purpose" - and the authors of the book go through, issue by issue, and find arguments for both sides - pointing out that it is a more complex document than people make it out to be.

    2. yes. it is sort of the negative side of that awesome aspect of competition, the "we are a team!" feeling - it means that we are feeling together because we are "us" and they are "them."

    3. i haven't watched this yet, but i will.

    4. i completely agree - i think "we" do get scared when gender lines are blurred, but i had never considered the fact that part of what's behind negative reactions to (male) homophobia might be the fear/hatred of women. fascinating.

